Heatwaves can impact your Mental health.

Feeling Foggy 

If you have anxiety or depression, you might notice your symptoms worsening with the hot weather. Extreme heat can make it harder to think clearly and stay motivated.

Hot Weather Affects Mental Health

Hot weather has serious effects on mental health. A study from 2022 found that in the USA, intense heat often leads to more visits to emergency rooms for mental health issues. Another study from 2018 revealed that every 1°C rise in average temperature increases suicide rates by 0.7-2%. Heat is also linked to more aggressive behavior.

Why Heat Impacts Your Brain

Heatwaves can affect how your brain functions. When it gets too hot, it becomes harder to focus and solve complex problems. Your body works hard to cool itself during a heatwave, which can take energy away from brain functions. The limbic system, which controls emotions, may not work properly in the heat, affecting your mood and thoughts.

Hand drawn summer heat illustration

Additionally, heat can disrupt your sleep, making it harder to stay mentally sharp. Dehydration, which is common in hot weather, can also impair brain function and make problem-solving more difficult. Important brain chemicals like dopamine and serotonin, which help regulate mood and focus, can be affected by high temperatures.

Heat and Mental Health Conditions

Heat can worsen mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety in several ways. High temperatures can reduce the effectiveness of medications used to treat these conditions and increase their side effects.

Extreme heat can also intensify emotional responses, which may worsen symptoms of depression and anxiety. Poor sleep caused by heat can lead to relapses in these conditions, and dehydration can further impact symptoms and the effectiveness of medications.

Managing Mental Health During Heatwaves

To manage your mental health during a heatwave, consider a few strategies. Limiting alcohol can help since it can dehydrate you and worsen symptoms. It’s important to drink plenty of water and replace lost electrolytes after exercising. Keeping your bedroom cool and dark can improve your sleep quality.

It’s also essential to be kind to yourself, recognizing that extreme heat can affect your performance. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re struggling more than usual.

a man drinking from a cup that has the word  no  on it

Taking Action on Climate Change

Climate change is causing more frequent and severe heatwaves. To help address this issue, support policies that reduce fossil fuel emissions and advocate for leaders who have strong climate action plans. Pressuring businesses to track and lower their emissions is also important.

Additionally, making eco-friendly choices and considering the environmental impact of your purchases can contribute to reducing your carbon footprint.

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